84 VW Vanagon For sale

From: Justin Gordon (justin_sub6@pacbell.net-DeleteThis.com)
Date: Thu Mar 10 2005 - 22:47:39 PST

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Subject: 84 VW Vanagon For sale
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Reluctantly, I'd like to find a nice home (and a fair price) form my '84 VW
Vanangon. Most of my gear is in Maui these days, and I'm living there half
the time, so I just don't think I'm getting out sailing much in the Bay Area
in the near future.

Here are some pictures of it.


This is a fabulous windsurfing vehicle.

It is parked at my office in Burlingame right by where ASD used be located
(IBM Building)

105,000 miles
Automatic Trans
No seats, but a great rack for gear
New Battery

Price: $1400

Justin Gordon
415 269-6343 M

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