X-OldHeader: From dfielder@sutterhealth.org-DeleteThis.com Mon Mar 7 09:35:28 2005 Return-Path: <dfielder@sutterhealth.org-DeleteThis.com> Received: from opus.labs.agilent.com (root@opus.labs.agilent.com-DeleteThis.com []) by jr.labs.agilent.com (8.9.3 (PHNE_25183+JAGae58098)/8.9.3 AgilentLabs Workstation) with ESMTP id JAA01939 for <wind_talk_ls@jr.labs.agilent.com-DeleteThis.com>; Mon, 7 Mar 2005 09:35:28 -0800 (PST) Received: from relcos2.cos.agilent.com (relcos2.cos.agilent.com []) by opus.labs.agilent.com (8.9.3 (PHNE_25183+JAGae58098)/8.9.3 AgilentLabs Workstation) with ESMTP id JAA29044 for <wind_talk@opus.labs.agilent.com-DeleteThis.com>; Mon, 7 Mar 2005 09:35:28 -0800 (PST) Received: from wlvdvs01.lvld.agilent.com (wlvdvs01.lvld.agilent.com []) by relcos2.cos.agilent.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 3AF2E4DA for <wind_talk@opus.labs.agilent.com-DeleteThis.com>; Mon, 7 Mar 2005 10:35:28 -0700 (MST) Received: from wlvdvs01.lvld.agilent.com ([]) by wlvdvs01.lvld.agilent.com with InterScan Messaging Security Suite; Mon, 07 Mar 2005 10:35:27 -0700 Received: from msgbas1x.cos.agilent.com ([]) by wlvdvs01.lvld.agilent.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(5.0.2195.6713); Mon, 7 Mar 2005 10:35:27 -0700 Received: from dcsh1ex.root.sutterhealth.org (im-mail1.sutterhealth.org []) by msgbas1x.cos.agilent.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id D7C391E2AC for <wind_talk@opus.labs.agilent.com-DeleteThis.com>; Mon, 7 Mar 2005 10:35:26 -0700 (MST) Received: from cpsh2ex.root.sutterhealth.org ([]) by dcsh1ex.root.sutterhealth.org with Microsoft SMTPSVC(5.0.2195.6713); Mon, 7 Mar 2005 09:35:26 -0800 Received: from [] ([]) by cpsh2ex.root.sutterhealth.org with Microsoft SMTPSVC(5.0.2195.6713); Mon, 7 Mar 2005 09:35:25 -0800 X-Sender: fielded@CPSH2EX Message-Id: <a06110404be5241a88ca4@[]> Date: Mon, 7 Mar 2005 09:36:47 -0800 To: wind_talk@opus.labs.agilent.com-DeleteThis.com From: David Fielder <fielded@sutterhealth.org-DeleteThis.com> Subject: Season Opener Bust? X-OriginalArrivalTime: 07 Mar 2005 17:35:25.0966 (UTC) FILETIME=[0C33D2E0:01C5233C]
Yesterday, after much yardwork and little hope of any WS, I checked
iWind and too my surprise it was blowing at TI and Berkeley.
Decided even Jonesing was better than more chores so went down to see
Wound up sailing from His Lords on 144L/7.5 combo. Very nice at 4:20
launch, but then at 4:50 the switch was turned off, so started to
slog home - even 30 minutes of decent sailing was worth it.
Then, to my surprise it was flipped back on - to almost OP'd.
Conditions appeared much like "typical" summer pattern with major fog
bank at SF and good steady W to SW winds. Unlike last Sunday's storm
front session.
But, only about 6 of us were there (Mitsu - but he's always there!)???
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