Re: Season Opener Bust?

From: David Nelson (
Date: Mon Mar 07 2005 - 11:05:26 PST

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Date: Mon, 7 Mar 2005 11:05:26 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: Season Opener Bust?
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Hey David,

I was kiting from Pt. Emery .... and experienced some of the up and down
... I think it was a little earlier I launch my 14 kite and although
lighter on the Pt. Emery side, when I got half way to your side I was
powered and getting up wind (even got a jump or 2) but shortly after, I
was only holding my ground and started drifting down wind, to soon get
pushed up against the frontage road ... of course the tide was low so I
was able to keep safe distance and walk back to the beach at Pt. Emery.
Then I was pumping up my 16 I felt a puff and went back on my 14 again ...
this time just one run across and then down and repeat walk ... and just
barely got back to the beach before the kite just dropped out of the sky .
 When I got back, it appeared it was over. Once my equipment was packed
up and I was dried off ... I think it was coming up again .... but I left
the scene to avoid the anxiety of contemplating putting on the wet
wetsuit. It is funny how they say that you can kite in less wind than WS,
but there is a point in which WSers can tool around on floaty gear when
kites drop from the sky completely ... and a bigger kite does not help
because they are just heavier and fall harder.

Anyway ... always fun to get wet ... and I got some good moments.

On Mon, March 7, 2005 9:44 am, David Fielder said:
> Yesterday, after much yardwork and little hope of any WS, I checked
> iWind and too my surprise it was blowing at TI and Berkeley.
> Decided even Jonesing was better than more chores so went down to see
> firsthand.
> Wound up sailing from His Lords on 144L/7.5 combo. Very nice at 4:20
> launch, but then at 4:50 the switch was turned off, so started to
> slog home - even 30 minutes of decent sailing was worth it.
> Then, to my surprise it was flipped back on - to almost OP'd.
> Conditions appeared much like "typical" summer pattern with major fog
> bank at SF and good steady W to SW winds. Unlike last Sunday's storm
> front session.
> But, only about 6 of us were there (Mitsu - but he's always there!)???
> David

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