Coyote Point Repairs - Need $

From: Richard Zimmerman (
Date: Tue Mar 04 2008 - 09:54:58 PST

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Date: Tue, 04 Mar 2008 09:54:58 -0800
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Subject: Coyote Point Repairs - Need $
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This is from the San Mateo Parks and Rec Foundation...

Coyote Park Promenade Repairs

Erosion over the past few years has impacted the Promenade, a section of
the SF Bay Trail in Coyote Point Recreation Area, resulting in dangerous
conditions and fences that reduce access to the Bay.

The San Mateo County Parks and Rec Foundation has provided a grant to
the San Mateo County Department of Parks to study the hydrological
conditions that led to the erosion and design a new trail for the park.
The study is complete and a design that includes allowing a more natural
shoreline and placing the new trail further upland is proposed. The path
will still be adjacent to the shoreline and provide access to the beach
and Bay. This permanent repair is a few years off because it needs
permits and is anticipated to cost at least $1 million.

However, permits were recently granted for a temporary access and can
begin this spring, if we raise the remaining $10,000 to cover the costs
of this much needed project. $25,000 has already been raised.

Gifts should be made to the San Mateo County Parks and Recreation
Foundation <>. They can be made through our Pay Pal
account or you can use our donations form for checks/credit card
donations. You must specify this project in a note to us. All money will
go the project. The Foundation does not take any overhead from the

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