X-OldHeader: From davidfielder@comcast.net-DeleteThis.com Sat Mar 1 18:53:38 2008 Return-Path: <davidfielder@comcast.net-DeleteThis.com> Received: from opus.scs.agilent.com (root@opus.scs.agilent.com-DeleteThis.com []) by jr.scs.agilent.com (8.9.3 (PHNE_25183+JAGae58098)/8.9.3 AgilentLabs Workstation) with ESMTP id SAA07930 for <wind_talk_ls@jr.scs.agilent.com-DeleteThis.com>; Sat, 1 Mar 2008 18:53:38 -0800 (PST) Received: from aglcosbs01x.cos.agilent.com (aglcosbs01x.cos.agilent.com []) by opus.scs.agilent.com (8.9.3 (PHNE_25183+JAGae58098)/8.9.3 AgilentLabs Workstation) with ESMTP id SAA07024 for <wind_talk@opus.scs.agilent.com-DeleteThis.com>; Sat, 1 Mar 2008 18:53:37 -0800 (PST) Received: from aglcosbs01x.cos.agilent.com (localhost.localdomain []) by aglcosbs01x.cos.agilent.com (Postfix-post-pmx) with SMTP id 80B47840AF for <wind_talk@opus.scs.agilent.com-DeleteThis.com>; Sun, 2 Mar 2008 02:53:37 +0000 (GMT) Received: from mppd (localhost.localdomain []) by aglcosbs01x.cos.agilent.com (Postfix-post-mppd) with ESMTP id 5AB52840F7 for <wind_talk@opus.scs.agilent.com-DeleteThis.com>; Sun, 2 Mar 2008 02:53:37 +0000 (GMT) Received: from QMTA01.westchester.pa.mail.comcast.net (qmta01.westchester.pa.mail.comcast.net []) by aglcosbs01x.cos.agilent.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 01F45840AF for <wind_talk@opus.scs.agilent.com-DeleteThis.com>; Sun, 2 Mar 2008 02:53:34 +0000 (GMT) Received: from OMTA07.westchester.pa.mail.comcast.net ([]) by QMTA01.westchester.pa.mail.comcast.net with comcast id w0M21Y0021GhbT85108900; Sun, 02 Mar 2008 02:53:08 +0000 Received: from [] ([]) by OMTA07.westchester.pa.mail.comcast.net with comcast id w2tY1Y00A20MeMz3T00000; Sun, 02 Mar 2008 02:53:34 +0000 X-Authority-Analysis: v=1.0 c=1 a=PJgqpYE0Eaub5dZDv9MA:9 a=dXwwIJX0rREiHEtqHAkgmpIl2hsA:4 a=ndTQkonOMSIA:10 a=Zx34tB4DsZhEpt0C5ekA:9 a=giA7Pho3QtmOScip4WoA:7 a=v_pPcMMCssgGCyE6z30rgmzcCvQA:4 a=AfD3MYMu9mQA:10 Message-Id: <a06210207c3efc6d9a4ce@[]> Date: Sat, 1 Mar 2008 18:53:32 -0800 To: listserve@jr.scs.agilent.com-DeleteThis.com, wind_talk@opus.scs.agilent.com-DeleteThis.com From: "David R. Fielder" <davidfielder@comcast.net-DeleteThis.com> Subject: Pt. Isabel Lost & Found Cc: davidfielder@comcast.net-DeleteThis.com, wprinz@garnet.berkeley.edu-DeleteThis.com X-Scanned-By: MPP/Clamd http://www.messagepartners.com X-Scanned-By: MPP invoked on aglcosbs01 X-Scanned-By: MPP/Commtouch http://www.messagepartners.com X-PMX-Queue-id: 47CA16B1_23722_1625_1 X-PMX-Version:, Antispam-Engine:, Antispam-Data: 2008.3.1.183650 X-PerlMx-Spam: Gauge=IIIIIIII, Probability=8%, Report='HTML_50_70 0.1, HTML_NO_HTTP 0.1, __CT 0, __CTYPE_HAS_BOUNDARY 0, __CTYPE_MULTIPART 0, __CTYPE_MULTIPART_ALT 0, __HAS_MSGID 0, __MIME_HTML 0, __MIME_VERSION 0, __SANE_MSGID 0, __TAG_EXISTS_HTML 0' X-PMX-Spam-Score: 8%
Bill Prinzmetal found an important rigging item at Pt. Isabel lying
in the grass late today (Saturday). I thought I knew whose it was,
but appears not the case. So, just identify and I'll arrange return
- it's in Berkeley now. David
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