X-OldHeader: From Eyes4Hire@aol.com-DeleteThis.com Thu Jun 1 11:40:46 2006 Return-Path: <Eyes4Hire@aol.com-DeleteThis.com> Received: from opus.scs.agilent.com (root@opus.scs.agilent.com-DeleteThis.com []) by jr.scs.agilent.com (8.9.3 (PHNE_25183+JAGae58098)/8.9.3 AgilentLabs Workstation) with ESMTP id LAA07057 for <wind_talk_ls@jr.scs.agilent.com-DeleteThis.com>; Thu, 1 Jun 2006 11:40:46 -0700 (PDT) From: Eyes4Hire@aol.com-DeleteThis.com Received: from relsgp1.sgp.agilent.com (relsgp1.sgp.agilent.com []) by opus.scs.agilent.com (8.9.3 (PHNE_25183+JAGae58098)/8.9.3 AgilentLabs Workstation) with ESMTP id LAA10817 for <wind_talk@opus.scs.agilent.com-DeleteThis.com>; Thu, 1 Jun 2006 11:40:29 -0700 (PDT) Received: from wsgpvs01.sgp.agilent.com (wsgpvs01.sgp.agilent.com []) by relsgp1.sgp.agilent.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 4A49727FF1 for <wind_talk@opus.scs.agilent.com-DeleteThis.com>; Fri, 2 Jun 2006 02:40:44 +0800 (SGT) Received: from wsgpvs01.sgp.agilent.com ([]) by wsgpvs01.sgp.agilent.com with InterScan Messaging Security Suite; Fri, 02 Jun 2006 02:40:43 +0800 Received: from msgbas2x.net.asiapac.agilent.com ([]) by wsgpvs01.sgp.agilent.com with Microsoft SMTPSVC(5.0.2195.6713); Fri, 2 Jun 2006 02:40:43 +0800 Received-SPF: pass (msgbas2x.net.asiapac.agilent.com: domain of Eyes4Hire@aol.com-DeleteThis.com designates as permitted sender) Received-SPF: pass (msgbas2x.net.asiapac.agilent.com: domain of Eyes4Hire@aol.com-DeleteThis.com designates as permitted sender) Received: from imo-m20.mx.aol.com (imo-m20.mx.aol.com []) by msgbas2x.net.asiapac.agilent.com (Postfix) with ESMTP id 1D50F7416 for <wind_talk@opus.scs.agilent.com-DeleteThis.com>; Fri, 2 Jun 2006 02:40:41 +0800 (SGP) Received: from Eyes4Hire@aol.com-DeleteThis.com by imo-m20.mx.aol.com (mail_out_v38_r7.5.) id y.449.2a0931c (4230) for <wind_talk@opus.scs.agilent.com-DeleteThis.com>; Thu, 1 Jun 2006 14:40:33 -0400 (EDT) Message-ID: <449.2a0931c.31b08ea0@aol.com-DeleteThis.com> Date: Thu, 1 Jun 2006 14:40:32 EDT Subject: SFBA Access Issues To: wind_talk@opus.scs.agilent.com-DeleteThis.com X-Mailer: 9.0 Security Edition for Windows sub 5300 X-Spam-Flag: NO X-OriginalArrivalTime: 01 Jun 2006 18:40:43.0145 (UTC) FILETIME=[E3532790:01C685AA] X-Brightmail-Tracker: AAAAAQAAA+k= X-Language-Identified: TRUE
Crissy - Exploratorium Camera (Your donation needed)
San Francisco Boardsailing Association and Kevin Stone are
partnering to fund the replacement of the Exploratorium roof camera.
SFBA membership dues have been lgiht and we don't have the funds
budgeted for this project but we don't want to miss this great
opportunity to restore a valuable community resource. Please make a
donation to support this great project.
Coyote Point (Your input needed)
I've been hearing about the erosion and the not so nice rigging
area. I've been talking with contractors, park planners, rangers,
and non-profit foundations and we'll try and see what funding we can
pull together to repair of replace the Armorflex mat that serves as
an access ramp. The first step is to have it evaluated by an expert
which should happen soon.
In the near term, funds are available to improve the rigging area.
The San Mateo County Parks & Recreation Foundation
(supportparks.org) has proposed using a surface similar to astroturf
(but a bit nicer and with a 10 year warranty for UV). I'd like to
know whether people would prefer the artificial surface or gravel so
I can share your thoughts with planners. Please e-mail me at
_thorner@sfba.org_-DeleteThis.com (mailto:thorner@sfba.org-DeleteThis.com) and let me know.
Treasure Island (Your input needed)
I'm writing my report evaluating different launch types for the
developer. With regard to the armorflex used at Coyote Point, what
do people think of this system when it is in good condition. Would
this be a good choice for an access that would allow a broad area of
access instead of narrow ramps like third Avenue? Please e-mail me
at _thorner@sfba.org_-DeleteThis.com (mailto:thorner@sfba.org-DeleteThis.com) and let me know.
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