3rd Avenue Nets

From: Eyes4Hire@aol.com-DeleteThis.com
Date: Mon Mar 20 2006 - 15:35:41 PST

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Third Avenue Update '\223 Net to be Raised After two years of
wrangling between the Mariner's Point Golf Course, Foster
City and the San Francisco Boardsailing Association (SFBA), it looks
like the safety nets will be raised to 100' along the
back of the driving range and along the entry roadway. SFBA
ultimately did retain an attorney who pressed the City with regard
to our opinion that there was serious legal liability on behalf of
the city and the golf course. The city and the golf course recently
reached agreement on a revised lease that requires the golf course
to promptly raise the driving range nets and add a net canopy over
parking areas along the side of the range. The work at the golf
course will impact parking on site and will impair access. Once the
job is complete, there should be a dramatic improvement in terms of
safety. The management at the golf course is trying to get the job
done as soon as possible, while we are still early in the season.
They are currently awaiting the issuance of the building permit,
which is conditioned upon approval of the engineering work. It
looks like work will probably start around April 3rd and it will
take at least 2 weeks. Heavy rain may cause delays by making the
ground too soft for the heavy equipment needed. If you have been
out to Third Avenue over the weekend, you will see that the steel
poles for the job have already been delivered and are stored along
the entry road. They made some effort to store these poles on the
golf course property, but the ground was apparently too wet for the
trucks to gain access. The manager of the golf course knows that
parking impacts are a concern and is trying to identify strategies
to minimize the impact. Their main focus is on getting the job
completed on schedule so that things are back to normal before May.
Since I don' t get down to Third Avenue much these days,
feel free to send me updates as to what is going on as the
construction progresses or e-mail any questions. Peter Thorner San
Francisco Boardsailing Associationthorner@sfba.org-DeleteThis.com

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