Third Ave Golf Balls

Date: Wed Jul 27 2005 - 15:35:06 PDT

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Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2005 18:35:06 EDT
Subject: Third Ave Golf Balls
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San Francisco Boardsailing Association will be having a public
meeting at the Third Avenue parking lot on Saturday, July 30th at
7:00 p.m. to update people on the golf ball problem and get input
regarding what the next step will be. SFBA has been consulting with
legal counsel, so all options are up for consideration. The golf
course switched to limited flight golf balls on the range during the
Spring, but switched back to regular balls during July. The limited
flight golf balls seemed to significantly reduce stray balls leaving
the range, but the golf course switched back indicating that the
loss of business at the driving range was too great for them to
remain in business. The golf course has talked about raising the
nets if the city will grant them lease concessions to help cover the
costs or allow them to spread the cost over a longer period. For
over a year and a half, the golf course and the city have been
trying to negotiate the lease modification without any concrete
results. In the meantime, SFBA has been forwarding the details of
all reports of damage and injury to the city and the golf course so
that they are aware that damages and injuries continue to occur. We
have worked with the golf course to try and improve their safety
practices while we have waited for a deal on the nets to
materialize. If you are concerned about this issue, please try to
make this meeting '\223

Third Avenue Saturday, July 30th 7:00 p.m

Peter Thorner President, San Francisco Boardsailing Association (

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